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2021-07-15 admin

Economic Order Quantity

In the system based on the information level, it was assumed that the size of the ordered lot was constant. It was also pointed out that an undoubted advantage of this method is the possibility of placing orders in the amount that minimizes the total costs of replenishment and storage of stocks. In the literature […]

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2021-07-15 admin

ABC/XYZ analysis

Another extremely useful tool for inventory management is ABC analysis. It is based on a regularity observed in the 19th century by the Italian scientist Vilfredo Pareto. His research has shown that 80% of the national wealth in Italy is owned by 20% of families [Maternowska 2000a]. This regularity, called the Pareto principle, is applied […]

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2021-06-28 admin

Review of selected measures describing demand

Quantitative reasoning based on the demand history of a good is necessarily linked to the statistical analysis of the data. In this paper, the analysis of historical demand data has been carried out with the use of measures such as: A given set of numbers that are the results of observations can be ordered according to […]

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2021-06-21 admin

Reorder Point and Target Level

The system based on the information level assumes that an order is placed at a time when the level of available stock is lower than or equal to the so-called information level (ROP or Reorder Point). Available stock is understood as stock amount increased by already placed orders and decreased by products available or allocated […]

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2021-06-14 admin


Demand is defined as 'a need for goods or services’ [Drabik and Sobol 2014]. In the book by Ziomek [2006], the term is described as „the amount of goods and services that a buyer wants to buy at a given price”. According to Philip Kotler [1999], the notion of demand must be seen in the […]

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2021-06-07 admin

Safety Stock

The stock maintained to ensure the adopted level of customer service is called the safety stock [Krzyżaniak 2008; Klimczak 2001]. In the literature, this stock is also defined as a part of the stock created in order to protect against the occurrence of higher demand than planned or to extend the delivery time of an […]

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2021-05-25 admin

Analysis of inventories on the example of selected enterprises (pt.2) – ABC/XYZ analysis

Analysis of inventories on the example of selected enterprises (pt.2) – ABC/XYZ analysis As all investigated companies kept excessive stocks, the next step of the investigation was to identify the product groups that had the greatest impact on the low level of turnover. For this purpose, the ABC/XYZ analysis method was used. The criterion of […]

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2021-05-13 admin

Najpopularniejsze WMSy- przebieg procesów przygotowawczych i wdrożeniowych

Na jakie aspekty i konsekwencje związane z projektowaniem IT powinni zwrócić szczególną uwagę menedżerowie odpowiedzialni za wybór WMSa?  Menadżerowie odpowiedzialni za wybór WMS powinny brać pod uwagę uwarunkowania wewnętrzne organizacji – zarówno te aktualne (poziom złożoności procesów, stopień automatyzacji operacji magazynowych, obecnie wykorzystywane techniki składowania, wewnętrzne kompetencje działu IT), jak i te...

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2021-05-11 admin

Analysis of inventories on the example of selected enterprises (pt.1)

Most often several dozen percent of products stored in warehouses are characterized by sales with an exponential distribution of probability or a distribution close to that of exponential. This text presents the results of the empirical research in this area, supported by the presentation of demand distributions for selected products. The results of inventory analysis […]

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2021-05-06 admin

Przenośniki rolkowe i taśmowe – rozwiązania dostępne na rynku, zastosowanie, plusy i minusy

Do najważniejszych urządzeń montażowych można zaliczyć: urządzenia transportowe zespołów lub wyrobów, stoły montażowe, narzędzia i przyrządy specjalne oraz urządzenia pomocnicze (do kontroli wymiarowej, sprawdzenia poprawności działania określonych zespołów). Rodzaje urządzeń montażowych i rozwiązania konstrukcyjne są bezpośrednio związane z określoną branżą przemysłu. Środki transportu są nieodzownymi urządzeniami do przemieszczania...

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